Your comments


I know the fee page is up to date and very well written. That is not what I meant. I meant on this page (on the platform), there is no such information:

If you click on the "?" Symbol, you will only see information for Genesis Markets, but all the other information is not there.

Kind regards


It's been 12+ months, but no update on this?

This information should be available in the wallet of the platform:

The current information is only limited to managers using GM. Investors need information as well.


Thank you. I think the "next trading period" is not enough. 

As you can see above, all investors got kicked at 42, but the manager continued trading. Now everyone paid 10% even though the manager wants to waive the 10% fee for old investors. 

Please take a look at this.

Kind regards


In addition to this, I have some new discussion points.

1. An investor is in a program and the program hits the stop loss. The investor gets kicked out of the program and the program period restarts. Should the investor pay the entry fee again to join the program?

2.  An investor is in a program where he has a lower success fee than other investors, because the success fee has changed over time. The investor gets kicked out of the program and the program period restarts. Should the investor now rejoin and pay the new and higher success fee?

Hope to hear some thoughts.


Yes, I know that the screenshot above is available after pressing the "?" symbol. That's exactly what I ment. That page should also contain the information about platform fee discounts.

Kind regards


In addition to this. It would be nice if we could have custom start and date times. If I recall correctly, we had this on the previous versions but it didn't work very well. I had to get out my calculator to calculate my total profit made on the platform...