Your comments

The more I think about this, the stronger I feel that when I’m investing my GVT, I want to know immediately if my investment is included in the manager’s program or if the manager’s limit has been reached. However, in some cases I could consider joining a waiting list, but only if I knew my position on the queue. 

As an investor I want Genesis Vision platform to make my life easy: to help me stop worrying about my investment and enjoying my life outside the platform. When I use the platform, I want to be able to make my investment decisions and manager choices so that I can trust my chosen manager will work for me for the next days, weeks or months. It feels too complicated, if I have to revisit the platform constantly just to see if my investments have been accepted or if they have been cancelled and I need to find new managers.

Yes, when looking at the dashboard I should be able to see immediately the active programs, those which I have successfully invested in. Right now I have one active program, and two programs waiting for approval/cancellation, but it is very confusing to see the only active program in the middle of these two pending programs. The dashboard has to show also the programs which are still waiting for the approval, but those programs should be visually different and perhaps with some label telling the pending status of my investment. 

Agree, it is frustrating. There could be some sort of "overbooked" label with an option to join the waiting list.